- Lecture @ Room 6309: Thursday, 3:30pm-5:30pm
- Lab @ Room 1207: Friday, 10:30am-12:30pm
- Instructor’s email: norrathep.r[aT]phuket.psu.ac.th
- Instructor’s office: 1405-10
- Office hours: by appointment
- Grading (if the course becomes on-site): Lab 20%, Homework 25%, Midterm 25%, Final 25%, Attendance 5%
Grading (if the course goes completely online): Lab 10%, Homework 36%, Midterm 24%, Final 25%, Attendance 5%- Midterm: March 2, 2021,
1:30pm-3:30pm1:30pm-4:30pm - Final: May 5, 2021, 9:00am-12:00pm
- Course LMS: for grade announcements and homework assignments
- Course Facebook Page: for course announcements and student discussions
- Course Website: for lecture/lab materials
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography (FREE!)
- Homework 1 Due Feb 28th, 11:59pm
- Homework 2 Due April 4th, 11:59pm
- Homework 3 Due April 23rd, 11:59pm
- 0_Introduction [ppt]
- 1_Overview_of_Cryptography [ppt]
- 2_Symmetric_Key_Encryption: Block_Cipher [ppt], Mode_Of_Operation [ppt]
- 3_Cryptographic_Hash_Functions [ppt]
- 4_Intro_to_Public-Key_Cryptography [ppt]
- 5_RSA [ppt]
- Midterm_Review
- 6_Digital_Signatures [ppt]
- 7_Authentication_Protocols [ppt]
- 8_Authentication_Factors [ppt]; Authentication using: password, security questions, SMS messages, OTP mobile app and fingerprint
- 9_Public-Key_Infrastructure [ppt]
- 10_Access_Control
- 11_Overview_of_Systems_Security [ppt]
- 1_Simple_Encryption [ppt]
- 2_Packet_Sniffing [ppt]
- For fun: WPScan, ZAP, sqlmap (NOTE: Please don’t use it to attack real-world websites)
- 3_SQL_Injection [ppt]
- For fun: What is CTF? for beginners, ctflearn [write-up solutions]
- Pre-4_Stack_Overflow [ppt]
- 4_Stack_Overflow [ppt]